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CAPEC Compatibility
CAPEC Compatibility

The CAPEC Compatibility Program provides for a product or service to be reviewed and registered as officially "CAPEC-Compatible," thereby assisting organizations in their selection and evaluation of tools and/or services for assessing their acquired software against known types of patterns of attack, for learning about the various attack patterns and their possible impact, or to obtain training and education about these issues. Organizations with products and services still working towards compatibility are also listed. CAPEC-Compatible Products and Services must meet all five (5) of the requirements below. Please review the complete set of requirements to fully understand CAPEC compatibility and effectiveness.

CAPEC Searchable users may search security elements using CAPEC identifiers
CAPEC Output security elements presented to users includes, or allows users to obtain, associated CAPEC identifiers
Mapping Accuracy security elements accurately link to the appropriate CAPEC identifiers
CAPEC Documentation capability's documentation describes CAPEC, CAPEC compatibility, and how CAPEC-related functionality in the capability is used
CAPEC Coverage for CAPEC-Compatibility, the capability's documentation explicitly lists the CAPEC-IDs that the capability claims coverage and effectiveness against locating in software

See the CAPEC Compatibility Program or email for information on how to register your product(s) or services(s) as CAPEC-compatible.

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Page Last Updated or Reviewed: January 04, 2017